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Monday, 7 October 2013

Marriage is for normal people, and you aren't normal

Obviously marriage is for everyone, but the word exclusively belongs to Jesus, God, and Christians, as it states numerous times in the bible that Jesus and God made exclusively for Christians.  I won't cite that because according to Christians, it's common knowledge.  People of other faiths such as Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism do not use Christian words because they know how angry and powerful Christians can be.  Not only are they angry but the typical Christian is armed and dangerous; they call themselves "Christian soldiers" for a good reason.

It bothers me that the solution is so simple yet will probably never happen.  People that ARE NOT traditional Christians or celebrities, PAY ATTENTION.

For the love of god, STOP using the word "MARRIAGE" when you want to form a union with your partner.  It pisses off Christians, and that pisses off non-Christians when we have to hear them and their problems on my 24 hours news program or public radio station.

If you want to "marry" someone of the same sex, to make everyone happy, just give Christians what they want; they want the words found in the bible to not be used by non-Christians.  Any non-christian avoid using the word 'marriage' or 'wedding' or 'happiness' or anything that is typically reserved for your traditional Christian wedding.

You can still do what they do, but by calling it something other than what they call it, you'll avoid problems with traditional Christian advocacy groups hunting down your demon children and making them listen to their logical fallacies.  Make up a new word that you can use in place of all the other traditional words that our typical traditional Christian groups think belongs to them.

Once this happens, gay people everywhere will be able to happily get everything they rightfully deserve, without aggravating Christians and hard-core conservatives to the point where they protest and whine and consume valuable electro-magnetic spectrum frequencies and internet bandwidth with their mindless drivel trying to protect something that was probably never created anyway.

 With this in mind, here's my solution to this problem, and this will put a stop to this stupid zombie issue;
  • Christians: "Which church should we get married in?
  • Non-Christians: "Which lower-case 'T' on pointy building should we do that thing people our age who believe in Jesus and God do when they want to have the same surname..."

Alternatively, one can invent new words for the words that Christian people claim.  This is easier and  recommended.  For example;
  • Christians: "Hey, I think we should get married."
  • Non-Christians: "Hey, I think we should get G-shnarfed."

This is assessed to be the only hope for non-Christians in their eternal quest to have everything they deserve to have, without offending unreasonable religious folks who can't see past their own vocabulary.

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