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Friday 6 January 2017

Millennials Learn from the Best

Social media posts about overly entitled millennials are on the rise in my Facebook feed, which is undeniably the best source of information about millennials and their pathetic overly entitled existence.

I being a millennial (cusp of GenY), take offense to this, mostly because I would not describe myself as being overly entitled.  In fact, I hate bothering people.  I hate being a bother so much that I'll struggle to get something done myself, often falling behind or failing miserably.  Lesson learned.

If I cannot get a veggie option of my favourite breakfast sandwich, I'll buy a tuna sandwich, because who gives a flying &%#$ if I can't eat my favourite breakfast sandwich every day.  If there's no WIFI on my 3 hour flight, what do I care?  Some people may care more, but those people are just more demanding, likely because of a demanding upbringing.

Being the way I am, I can only thank my Baby Boomer elders who conditioned me and everyone my age to be the way we are.

Having said that, regardless of what generation people belong to, they can thank the previous generation for being the way they are.  Laying blame is pointless.  If an older generation has a problem with the way a younger generation acts, they can consider themselves failures because they brought us up.  If a younger generation has a problem with an older generation, they can also thank an even older generation (likely long gone) for setting the bar so low.

Using this robust logic, it becomes very clear that millennials (and others) are the way they are due to the previous generations of world class citizens.  It's no one's fault really, or it's everyone's fault.

Either way, it is impossible to lay blame for anyone being the way they are, end of discussion.

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